Free Give Away!!

I am giving away a free $5 Starbucks gift card. The first 30 follwers will be entered in a drawing to win!

Can you smell the coffee???

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Celebrations of Joy!

Sending my sweet treats from my home to yours! As my family and I prepare to celebrate the birth of our savior with a special cake on Christmas Eve,party hat's and a birthday song, for Baby Jesus. We thank our Savior and His father for all we have been blessed with this year! We also lift up those around us and far away with prayers of hope and love.

 Before the evening is over my children layout the reindeer food on the driveway and leave out a fresh batch of our homemade cookies we made that morning for old St.Nick!. My Southern Man then reads the Polar Express and The Night Before Christmas to our children and family. We end the evening with Christmas jamies. God Bless you all on this magical season.
Share your Christmas Tradition with me!
God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 10, 2010

What Are You Thankful For?

About two years ago before the birth of my daughter I started a new family tradition around the holidays where my family and I made a "Thankful Tree" together. It was wonderful, I put my Southern Man in charge of the trunk of the tree, which is the base that holds all the branches and leaves up. In real life he is our trunk so it was a fitting job for him. I made the rest of us in charge of cutting out the leaves. Then as a family we all took turns writing on the leaves what we were thankful for. A few hours later we had an amazing tree. We were all thankful for so much. It felt amazing to see how blessed we are. My children were so proud of the tree. My older two children went back to the tree several times to add leaves. That same tree stayed up for over a year. We just kept adding to it. It now sits in a shirt box preserving in a special place. Over Christmas break this year we will be making a new tree. I can not wait to hear what our youngest is thankful for in her precious older toddler mind!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Hunt for the Perfect Tree!

The hunt for the perfect tree has been a family tradition of mine for several years. I look forward to this special time with my Dad every year as much as I do the celebration that comes along with this tree.  Now first I am going to give the most important rules to follow when finding the perfect tree:
1.       Wear clothes that welcome sap. Every good tree gives off lots of sap!
2.       Dress in layers. Mother Nature has a funny way of welcoming in winter.
3.       Wear good leather gloves if you are the tree mover!
4.        Always take a good long hike and sing Christmas Carols while finding your tree, pick the one the closet back to the way of the barn where the car is parked!
5.       Last but not least, bring a camera!! These moments are priceless!!
My younger brothers and I all love this tradition especially when my Dad brings along an apple pie for our celebration back at the truck after the adventure is over. For years my Dad was my hero and still is mind you as he carried on this tradition. However several years ago he welcomed my husband into our family and taught him the ways of our hunt. Now he let’s my hubby carry the tree and load it onto our giant Red Expedition and looks at him proudly and with a grin that he is doing all the work and my Dad now gets to enjoy the delights of the tree and not the sweat part of it. A few years ago we welcomed my first born onto the scene. My son who is in this snap shot.  It was one of his very first hunts. He was wearing his layers of course of play winter clothes. And directing those men as if they were his, own personal Army. He got the biggest charge out of the entire process.  However I think my Dad was the most delighted, there he was in the woods, being manly,man with his two youngest sons, his son –in-law and his first born grandson,  looking for the best tree to bring back home to his wife, daughter and granddaughter who were waiting with anticipation.  
That year that tree sparkled and stood proud just like Charlie Brown’s tree did in a, “Charlie Brown Christmas”.
Tell me about your perfect tree………..
Don’t forget to become a follower to enter into the Starbucks gift card give away!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

First Starbucks Experience

I had my very first Starbucks on a trip to Seattle to visit my Aunt Mel, Uncle Franks and -cousins. I was on a father -daughter trip. It was such a special trip to me for the memories I made with my Dad were wonderful. More of those later.

My Aunt Mel had take my cousin and I to the mall given us some spending money and set us free. My cousin Colleen had asked me if I had ever had a frappunico? I replied no, she giggled and we were off for my very first one. She ordered it for me, she got me a Venti of course!!

Well a venti frappunico later and no food on my tummy and I am sure you can guess the rest.

I will never forget that memory, or how my cousin Colleen laughed as I turned green.

Some 20 years later, I am no longer getting sick off venti frappunicos, however I am still hooked.

It's holiday time so I am treating myself these days to a Grande, lowfat, No whip, White Mocha Peppermint Mocha with Chocolate topping. Yummy-E!!

What is your Starbucks Story???

Don't forget to become one of the first 30 followers and win a Starbucks gift card!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Adventures of Lady P

Lady P, is the newest edition to our family. She arrived on the scene last January from the most amazing breeder and training academy all rolled into one. They have become a part of our lives. Even when her and I can't make it to training on a regular basis because of my many hats I wear. They are always there to lend a hand through email or a phone call. She gets so excited when she gets to go back and board there when we are out of town.

Lady P reminds our family of Nana, the dog from the movie Peter Pan. She relates to our family like Nana did to the children in that movie. I know it sounds crazy and many non dog lovers look at me like I am nuts, however in the short almost year she has been a member to this family she knows what everyone needs are and how to full fill them when she is not on her own adventure

I grew up with this same breed, German Shepard. My childhood Shepard's name was Dunkin and he was a one of the best childhood memories I have. This dog, was the king of play, cuddling and making you feel safe and loved.

Our Lady P gives that to our family and so much more. She has the most caring and understanding face. She makes friends very quickly. 

Lately she loves, to snuggle with the children on the weekends and take in a good movie.

The Road That Led Me Here......

Cynthia's Gluten Free World, was my first blog. However I had way to much to talk about. I feel in the present moment we live in I am wanting to share more of just how we eat in our home. We are Christians, Home Scholars, A mixed all American family, our children are toddlers through teenagers and the prayer of another sometime down the road. We are Traver's, bakers, lovers, artist, inspired,crafters, readers, photographers and so much more.

When I find myself falling in love with a blog I can not stop checking in with it is one that offers so much then just one topic.

I see in our society the Internet has become a way of connecting on a level I never thought possible. It has become intimate in a odd sort of way.

I have so much I want to share. I hope you will take an adventure down this road with me.

Check out my latest Cynthiaism, you will find a great laugh, cry, or a touching moment every time!
